Jurnal Perhotelan dan Pariwisata 2024-01-13T20:54:42+00:00 GUNARDI Open Journal Systems <table width="548"> <tbody> <tr> <td>Publiser</td> <td>:</td> <td>Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat (P3M)<br />Politeknik Pajajaran ICB Bandung</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Journal Abbrev</td> <td>:</td> <td><strong>Jurnal TELPAR</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Frequency</td> <td>:</td> <td>2 issues per year</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Print ISSN</td> <td>:</td> <td>On Progress</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Online ISSN</td> <td>:</td> <td><a href="">2988-1455</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Citation analysis</td> <td>:</td> <td>Google Scholar</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Journal Scope</td> <td>:</td> <td> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>Hotel Service And Management, Hotel Operations, Food and Beverage Product, Food and Beverage Service, Hotel Accommodation, Business Management &amp; Operation, Tourism Destinations and Infrastructure, Sustainable Tourism Ecotourism Border Tourism, Travel Patterns, Tourism Marketing, Tourists Behavior, Tourism Industry and Investment, Tourism Business Technology and Information Tourism Investment, Human Resources And Institutions, Including Tourism Planning and Policy, Tourism Workforce, and current issues that related to the Hote and Tourism Study</p> PROSEDUR PELAYANAN BANQUET WAITER DALAM MENANGANI TAMU EVENT DI HOTEL ASTON PASTEUR BANDUNG 2023-08-15T05:29:19+00:00 Willma Fauzzia Randy Pradana <p><em>Hotel is one of the accommodation facilities that provides various facilities to meet the needs of hotel guests, as well as tourists, ranging from places to stay to food and beverage needs which are managed with the aim of making a profit. Hotels of course need parts or departments that can support their operational activities. Food and Beverage Service is one part of the Food and Beverage Department at the hotel which is responsible for serving and fulfilling food and beverage needs, both in providing and serving it to guests. In this study, researchers used qualitative methods through a descriptive approach by collecting data through observation, interview and documentation techniques. Based on the research results obtained and the discussion that has been described, it can be concluded that Banquet Waiter has a vital role in the continuity of operations at the Aston Pasteur Hotel by handling the organization of an event to be held, starting from the preparation, during operation, to closing stages. The purpose of this research is to find out how the Standard Operating Procedures are in serving event guests as a Banquet Waiter at Aston Pasteur Hotel.</em></p> 2023-03-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Perhotelan dan Pariwisata IMPLEMENTASI KRITERIA COMMUNITY-BASED TOURISM ASEAN: STUDI KASUS PADA DESA WISATA ALAMENDAH 2024-01-13T20:54:42+00:00 Ayulia Nirwani Nur Azizah Riffka Fauzany <p style="font-weight: 400;">&nbsp;</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>The concept of Community Based Tourism (CBT) is one implementation of sustainable tourism that accommodates various factors involved in it. CBT is directed towards developing the economic, environmental, and social sectors, guided by government policies. In its development, CBT adheres to standardized practices. These standards are underpinned by The ASEAN Community-based Tourism, which divides them into eight criteria and one additional, including community ownership and management, contribution to social well-being, conserving and improving the environment, encouraging interaction between the local</em></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>community and guests, provision of quality tourism services and guides, quality of food and beverages, quality of accommodations, the performance of friendly tour operators, and the utilization of technology. This research analyzes the implementation of these standards in the Alamendah tourist village. Based on the research findings, it is evident that the Alamendah tourist village has implemented the ASEAN Community-based Tourism criteria appropriately.</em></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">Keywords: <em>Community-based tourism, ASEAN CBT, Rural Tourism</em></p> 2023-03-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Perhotelan dan Pariwisata PERANAN KEARIFAN LOKAL DALAM MENINGKATKAN WISATAWAN DI FLOATING MARKET KECAMATAN LEMBANG 2023-12-23T05:25:51+00:00 Tita Juwita Said Nurcahya <p><em>Lembang District is a sub-district in the West Bandung Regency area with abundant natural resources, local wisdom, and a unique attraction with a lifestyle in a mountainous environment. The Lembang area is an area rich in growth and growth. When tourism became one of the main industries for earning income, Lembang officially turned into a tourist attraction and remains so to this day. One of the tourist attractions that is very developed in the Lembang District area is the floating market. This research studies the impact of tourism activities, especially regarding community-based tourism and sustainable tourism at floating market tourist attractions. Throughout the study qualitative methods were chosen to find out the answers to the research questions. The author uses semi-structured, in-depth interviews and observations as practical methods to obtain opinions from local residents. The results found that several activities have been developed from existing resources and lifestyles, which may be in accordance with some concepts of community-based tourism and sustainable tourism, and which can be improved and developed to support environmentally friendly tourist attractions, thereby generating more income for local communities.</em></p> 2023-03-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Perhotelan dan Pariwisata Development of Former Quarry Sites as Efforts for Economic Development and Conservation of Tourism Areas 2023-12-23T05:41:38+00:00 Lutfiandina Kharisma Tita Juwita <p>The former mining quarry sites in the Subang Regency's Cipendeuy district are frequently visited by tourists to be developed as tourist destinations, even though the area is predominantly industrial. These former mining quarry sites hold significant economic value and ecological quality, provided they are well managed by the Subang Regency government. This aligns with the flagship program named 'Jawara Wisata' (Tourism Champion), which supports tourism development in Subang Regency. The facilities within the tourist area need to be developed concerning the management of the area's facilities. It is also hoped that these former quarry sites can become a source of livelihood for the local community. This research aims to determine the economic value of the area as a tourist destination. Revitalization efforts are necessary for these former quarry sites. Therefore, data collection methods involve conducting surveys. This survey technique includes sampling and direct interviews with respondents to identify the potential and socio-economic conditions related to resource utilization</p> 2023-03-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Perhotelan dan Pariwisata